Practically, hiring the right person is not as easy as it sounds! There were 7.2 million job openings in the US during July 2019, but only 6 million people were hired. This difference indicates how difficult it is to find the right fit for your business.
While there were 10.44 million job openings in the United States in August 2021, the quit level in September 2021 was as high as 4.4 million, and an increase in the quit rate was reported at 3%. The industries that suffered the increase in resignations are Entertainment Recreation, State and Local Education, and other services.
Recruiters are facing several challenges in hiring and finding the right fit for their businesses. 77% of recruiters have to hire an unfit candidate due to the non-availability of the ideal employee. Another 75% of recruiters had candidates who changed their minds before final hire. According to a report of Hireology, 41% of the recruiters have difficulty in filling entry-level jobs. Another 89% of recruiting executives say that bad hires don’t have soft skills.
The question is, how to find people to come work for you when the challenges for recruiters do not seem to end? Let’s find out the answer to this question. We have created a to-do list for the recruiters to improve the hiring process and get the most qualified employees to work for them!
As a recruiter, you must understand that compensation is one of the most important aspects when filling a job position. Salary is one of the most important considerations for prospective employees. Therefore, recruiters must be able to promote financial and non-financial compensation in order to attract the right employees for their businesses.
What can you do to make sure that you’re advertising the job benefits correctly?
Before you advertise the job on social media, newspapers, or any other medium, you must check the market parallels and competitors. Another way to attract more people to apply for the job is to advertise the compensation offered. As a result, the applicants will know what they’re applying for.
However, if you think that your competitors are offering a more attractive pay package, you can look for other ways to make the job opening more desirable.
You can make a job offering desirable and attractive for the job seekers by adding some perquisites other than financial compensation. The implicit benefits will not cost you too much but will make the job desirable and more feasible for any applicant. Some examples of implicit benefits include:
Flexible working hours will allow the employees to enjoy the autonomy of working in their most productive hours.
Remote working is seen as a more attractive job opportunity by the employees. According to a survey of Owl Labs, full-time remote workers are 22% happier and more satisfied than workers who never worked remotely. Therefore, you can advertise remote working in a job opening.
In-Office Benefits can be advertised in the job opening to attract candidates. These benefits can include in-fridge snacks, kitchen, free coffee, etc.
Part-Time Working Hours job attractiveness has increased by 12% more people prefer part-time work in the USA.
Salary is one of the most important aspects of the job opening, but workplace quality is no less important. Therefore, you must pay attention to improving the workplace quality, cultural enrichment, and making workplaces more enticing and enjoyable for the employees.
You must strive to promote diversity in your workplace, as this will generate higher innovation revenues. You should also connect with employees more frequently, promote communication across different levels, schedule exercise breaks, mini time-outs, build a wall of fame on encouraging customers, etc. All these aspects will increase the attractiveness of your company’s job openings.
Before you start looking for candidates outside to hire for your business, ask yourself,
Would you like to work in your organization?
When you ask this question to yourself, you will find the areas in your business’ culture that need improvement. Examine the metrics to assess if your organization’s culture is one that employees will long to become a part of.
The first thing to assess in your organizational fabric is to know your work culture. Reevaluate your core values because the values are at the heart of organizational culture. If you’ve good values, people will be more excited to work for the organization.
Besides, look at the hiring practices you follow at your organization.
Do you welcome the opinions of other employees?
Are there any employee development programs in your organization?
Do you get enough referrals from your existing employees?
Answers to these questions will be self-reflecting for you as a recruiter. Whatever the results, embrace them and work on improving the weak areas. If you find that the puzzle cards are missing, you can improve and develop inspirational leadership skills.
Does your organizational culture welcome new employees on board?
If not, start promoting it on social media to let people know about your culture.
Welcoming new employees can include decorating their desks on the first day of work, introducing them to the company and its culture. You can also treat your new employees with lunch and encourage them to understand why they are the most capable people to join your organization.
Asking this question is related to the previous question. Do you make enough effort to cultivate a healthy culture in your organization?
You must know why cultivating a healthy culture is important. According to research of Deloitte, 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe that good culture is important for overall business success. You must strive to promote a good culture in your workplace to get more people to work at your business organization.
Building a healthy culture is not the only thing you’re supposed to do as a recruiter. Instead, it is also important to promote and encourage the employees to adopt good practices at the workplace.
You know what kind of employees you want, but do the suitable applicants know that you’re looking for them?
If the answer is no, then you’re not running your recruiting campaign in the right direction. Whether you know it or not, recruiting the right people for your business also requires efficient marketing.
No matter how healthy the culture, flexible work times, fun workplace, or enjoyable working you embrace at your organization, if the right applicants do not know, it’s no use. Therefore, you must be able to market your recruiting campaign so that more and more qualified people can come and join your organization.
How can you market your recruitment process and get more people on board?
We talked about how to improve your organization’s culture and implement fun practices in the organization, but are you talking enough about how fun your workplace is?
Do you frequently post workplace activities, office lunches, new hirings, promotions, and employees’ success stories on your social media?
Regularly updating your social media about the recruitment drives, workplace culture, etc. will entice the applicants to become part of your exciting business organization.
Businesses spend thousands of dollars on building a good online reputation. However, a good online reputation is not just important from a customer perspective. Instead, it also matters for recruiting the best applicants to apply to your company’s job openings.
How people identify your organization’s culture is very important. Invest in your employees to become your advocate on social media platforms and other online platforms. When the employees say positive words about your organization’s prestige and working experience, it will make people more confident to work with your business.
Social media is a very powerful tool, and you must use it to highlight your company as a successful and attractive place to work. YouTube is a great medium for letting your audience understand which practices are best at your organization and how you can promote inclusiveness in your business organization.
Promote your company’s values, recruitment process, employees’ success stories, strengths, employee feedback about the work culture, etc., to let people know the real you! Social media, branding of your values, strengths, and vision will play an important role in how your organization is positioned in people’s minds.

Finally, market yourself as a ladder to success for the new employees. If the employees and new applicants feel confident about an organization to support them in their professional and personal growth, they are more likely to join such an organization. Therefore, make every effort to market yourself as the only option leading to their career success.
We’ve highlighted all the things you need to do to make yourself an attractive workplace for newly coming applicants. Let’s sum it up again.
An attractive pay package, non-financial benefits, a good working environment, and flexible work timing are important aspects of any job. However, this idea is not all you need to focus on as a recruiter. You need to step ahead and do something more to make your organization an ideal workplace for employees.
Promote a healthy culture in your organization that entices the applicants to be a part of your organization. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s work culture and improve the weak areas to build yourself as an attractive work opportunity.
When you’ve hit all the notes rightly, you’ve to market all good aspects via every available platform and opportunity. Go for YouTube, Social Media, Website, Print Media, and online promotion through other websites. Strive to achieve more and get highlighted on authoritative platforms.
Let Peach BPO Find The Right People To Work For You
If you think you’re doing everything right but still you’re not getting the right pool of candidates to become part of your organization, there is something else you can do!
Peach BPO is a specialized company that can help you run your recruitment drive efficiently. We specialize in recruitment, payroll, and other HR specializations. If you need help getting a recruitment pipeline, let us know!
Why should you choose Peach BPO for improving your recruitment process?
Because recruitment is as important as any other function. Besides, recruiting is also a continuous effort, just like marketing.
Call Peach BPO to fill various HR roles and let you find the right employee to fill an open position at your business organization. We are just one call away!
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